Use on large cohorts

While SplAdder is often run on a smaller set of samples, it can also be applied to larger cohorts containing hundreds or thousands of samples. In this setting, it is often advisable to distribute the computation over a high-performance compute cluster and use some workflow management framework (such as Snakemake, Nextflow, or even bash) to coordinate the individual steps.

In the following, we will provide a short overview on how the computation of splicing graphs and their quantification can be split up into individual parts, so they can be run independently. Please note, that the output directory for the whole computation is project specific and stays the same for all (even parallel) runs. SplAdder will not re-compute existing files and when called on different input files, name the outputs accordingly.

The process can be separated into four subsequent logical steps:

  1. Single graphs: Creating an individual splicing graph per input sample
  2. Merged graph: Merging all individual graphs into a joint graph representation
  3. Quantification: Quantifying edges and nodes in the joint graph on each individual input sample
  4. Event Calling: Calling events (optionally perform testing) on the joint, quantified graph.

For the description of the following steps, we will create a small hypothetical setup of samples, that will be used throughout all commands. Assume that we have a cohort of 10 samples S1 to S10. The aligned (and indexed) bam files for the samples are available as S1.bamS10.bam. We are operating on a given annotation file annotation.gtf and our SplAdder project directory that will hold all results will be spladder_out.

We will use simple bash commands to emulate the distribution of individual tasks. Please note that the code as stated here, would just sequentially compute all single tasks and not generate any parallelization benefit. For this to materialize, you would need to submit the individual tasks to a compute cluster or similar. (If you have a machine with many cores available, you could also trivially parallelize by running several tasks in the background simultaneously.)

1. Single graphs

In this first step, we will generate a splicing graph for each input sample.


In general a splicing graph is generated per gene. We will abstract from this here and only describe how the graphs will be treated across samples. This implicitly means that this is done per gene.

For each of the given input samples Si, we invoke the splicing graph generation separately:

for i in $(seq 1 10)
    spladder build -o spladder_out \
                   -a annotation.gtf \
                   -b S${i}.bam \
                   --merge-strat single \

This will create an individual splicing graph in spladder_out/spladder for each sample. Please note that we added the --no-extract-ase option here. This is to prevent SplAdder from automatically proceeding as is done by default in the smaller cohort analyses. With this option present, we gain a more fine-grained controlled over the graph building process. This option will also be present in the subsequent steps.

2. Merged graph

As a subsequent step, we now need to integrate the graphs across samples, to form one merged splicing graph (per gene). We can just invoke SplAdder again on the same output directory now using a different merging strategy:

spladder build -o spladder_out \
               -a annotation.gtf \
               -b S1.bam,S2.bam,S3.bam,S4.bam,S5.bam,S6.bam,S7.bam,S8.bam,S9.bam,S10.bam \
               --merge-strat merge_graphs \

Please note that now all alignment files of the cohort need to be provided. For larger cohorts it is useful to collect all alignment files in a separate files, e.g. alignments.txt. Then the merging step could also be invoked as follows:

spladder build -o spladder_out \
               -a annotation.gtf \
               -b alignments.txt \
               --merge-strat merge_graphs \

3. Quantification

Having the merged graph at hand, we can now proceed to quantifying nodes and edges of the graph based on the alignment data. Each quantification will be done independently:

for i in $(seq 1 10)
    spladder build -o spladder_out -a annotation.gtf -b S${i}.bam \
                   --merge-strat merge_graphs \
                   --no-extract-ase \
                   --quantify-graph \
                   --qmode single

Please note that now the merging strategy is still merge_graphs, as we are quantifying the merged graph and not the individual sample graphs. Also note that we have added the --qmode single option.

As a second step to this phase, we need to collect the individual quantifications and aggregate them in a joint database:

spladder build -o spladder_out \
               -a annotation.gtf \
               -b S1.bam,S2.bam,S3.bam,S4.bam,S5.bam,S6.bam,S7.bam,S8.bam,S9.bam,S10.bam \
               --merge-strat merge_graphs \
               --no-extract-ase \
               --quantify-graph \
               --qmode collect

4. Event Calling

Now one can proceed analog to the analysis of smaller cohorts. The joint graph is fully quantified and we can move on to use it for downstream analyses, for instance to extract exon skipping events:

spladder build -o spladder_out \
               -a annotation.gtf \
               -b S1.bam,S2.bam,S3.bam,S4.bam,S5.bam,S6.bam,S7.bam,S8.bam,S9.bam,S10.bam
               --event-types exon_skip

In the above call we have omitted the --no-extract-ase option and SplAdder will automatically proceed to this step. As all the intermediate quantification steps are already done, no step will be carried out twice.

General Notes

When I/O is an issue, SplAdder has the option to generate a compressed summary for each input alignment file. The information contained in that summary is comparable to a wiggle file but has also information on the introns. Using this format will need some additional disk space, but allows SplAdder to perform quantification and querying of intron coverage much more efficiently. You can switch on the use of alignment summaries by:

spladder build ... --sparse-bam ...